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Certify & Train your Staff

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100% Online & Remote


Start Teaching

Be up and running within as little as 2 weeks.

How can it be so easy?

Because we’ve worked with so many different schools over the past 15 years, we understand that no two schools are exactly the same.

Every situation is different. Every teacher is different. Every student is different.

We’ve developed our training programs to address these challenges head on. Our online staff & teacher certification process is not only easy to use, but incredibly effective at recognizing and teaching to, the different ways we all learn.

Understanding these subtle differences has allowed us to create a simple and repeatable on-boarding process that can be done 100% online and via phone and videoconference.

No need to fly someone to your school, or send your teachers to another state again.

Of course we do offer some amazing in-person training opportunities for your staff and teachers, but these are all completely voluntary.

You can be 100% up and running, and teaching the programs to your students in less than 2 weeks.

That’s the power of 15 years of experience.  We know how to make this work in YOUR school.